Terms and conditions


Online Classes are a new thing for us, so we expect there to be a few questions along the way. To help make this transition to the digital realm as seamless as possible, please feel free to write to us anytime at [email protected], with questions and comments.

You should also be aware, that by taking part in this online class you acknowledge that you voluntarily participate in the class with full knowledge that there could be a risk of personal injury. That said, we strongly recommend that you do not go into poses or positions which you believe to be harmful. A general advice is never straining, but simply relaxing in each pose as much as possible 

Don’t hesitate to write, call or ask any questions - We are always willing to help.

Furthermore you should acknowledge that Scandinavian Yoga and Meditation School is not responsible for any injury or loss whatsoever unless we fail to carry out our obligations to a reasonable standard or breach duties imposed on us by law, provided that Scandinavian Yoga and Meditation School will not be responsible where any alleged failure by Scandinavian Yoga and Meditation School is due to: (i) your own fault; (ii) a third party unconnected with our provision of services under this agreement; or (iii) events which neither we nor our suppliers could have foreseen or forestalled even if we had taken all reasonable care.

Our liability to compensate you is limited to damages only due to a gross negligent act or an act caused by intent and the compensation will solely be paid out if the damages have been determined by the Danish courts according to Danish legislation, which applies to this contract.

Please note, that we own the rights to the distribution of all our online classes and that abuse or use without permission will be prosecuted. We maintain our right to make any changes to the content of the online classes and concept at any time.


Privacy policy (GDPR)

We would like you to be informed about how we collect and handle your personal data. This includes your name, adress, email address and anything that you write into the form while signing up for our online classes. In other words, it covers any and all information about you that is capable of identifying you.

Under the GDPR we are ‘data controllers’ of your information. We are called ‘controllers’ because we make decisions about how your data is used – for example to prepare marketing materials – and we also ‘process’ your data when we carry out basic activities like storing, deleting and changing the information that we hold. We take our obligation to protect the information you give us very seriously, and we always take care when using and processing it.

We collect your data via our online class enrolment form on our website (en.yoga.dk). We use your data to inform you about the class, options for other classes via newsletter and personal emails. We store your name and email within mailchimp and our administrative system. Your data is not given to any third parties.

You have the right to opt out of the newsletter at any time by using the ’unsubscribe’ button at the bottom of all newsletters and you also have the right to be deleted from our database at any point and to get to know where and how we store your personal data. If you unsubscribe your information will be deleted from the mailchimp account, but if you would like to be deleted by other means then please contact us at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help.